IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery Readme File Version 6, Release 1, Modification 3.4 ATTENTION This is interim fix (patch) level This level delivers APAR fixes, and support for the Tivoli Storage Manager 64-bit Application Programming Interface (API). This interim fix is intended to provide relief for critical problems where a local circumvention is unavailable. A limited amount of testing was done to verify the fixes. Consequently, we strongly recommend that you perform additional testing before putting the package into a production environment. CONTENTS Fix history System requirements Getting started Updates for previous levels Notices and trademarks Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2013. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. FIX HISTORY APARs fixed in interim fix IC99223 Unable to boot and restore using a SysBack create on tape. IT00631 Booting from AIX 7.1 TL3 boot image, APARs fixed in interim fix IC97931 ALL FILESYSTEMS NOT RESTORED DURING SYSBACK SYSTEM RESTORE WHEN USING THE API IC97989 SYSBACK SYSTEM INSTALLS HANG ON LED 552 APARs fixed in interim fix IC94514 PULL BACKUP WITH -W FLAG HANGS IC97115 SYSBACK SYSTEM RESTORE NOT WORKING WITH RECOVERY DEVICES=YES SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS This interim fix can be applied to any level of Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery V6.1. This interim fix supports only the Tivoli Storage Manager V6.2 or later 64-bit API. For detailed hardware and software requirements, see the following website: GETTING STARTED Provided files: sysback.6134.ptf.rte sysback.6134.license.rte To install interim fix, issue the following command: installp -acqd sysback.6134.ptf.rte sysback.6134.license.rte all UPDATES FOR PREVIOUS LEVELS For previous updates, see the fix history for V6.1: NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS Where to find documentation Publications for Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery are available in the Tivoli Storage Manager information center: To use the PDF format, you can obtain the Adobe Acrobat Reader. To install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your operating system, run the appropriate installation file, and follow the online installation instructions. For additional information, see the Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery V6.1.3 Fix Pack announcement: You can also visit the IBM Software Support website: Search problem reports and other service information for topics of interest. Getting help To receive technical support, contact your administrator. This should be your first step when having problems with Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery. Your administrator will know how to contact IBM for technical support on your behalf. Copyright and trademark information Notices INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. THIRD-PARTY LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, NOTICES AND INFORMATION The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions: - the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis - IBM DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE EXCLUDED COMPONENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE - IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related to the Excluded Components - IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components.