Tivoli Storage Manager Server Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2002. All rights reserved. Interim fix Level: This is a smit/installp installable interim fix (patch) that will install as level The gzip'd tar TSMSACAIX51101.tar.gz contains the following install packages 51101SA.bff tivoli.tsm.StorageAgent.rte 51101D4.bff tivoli.tsm.devices.aix43.rte 51101D5.bff tivoli.tsm.devices.aix5.rte 51101DM.bff tivoli.tsm.msg.en_US.devices 51101SM.bff tivoli.tsm.msg.en_US.server NOTE: This interim fix only updates the above listed filesets. Using: This interim fix requires that you have release installed and that you have applied service (ptf) level To "install", as root user, follow these steps: 1. Get (bin) TSMSACAIX51101.tar.gz 2. unzip and untar the file to extract all the install packages 3. Halt your server to install the server patch 4. Start SMIT and select the following options o Software Install and Maintenance o Install and Update Software o Install and Update from ALL Available Software o Specify INPUT device/directory o List SOFTWARE to Install - Select all the filesets o set "COMMIT software updates?" to no o set "SAVE replaced files?" to yes 5. restart the storage agent. Interim fix level also effects the server for AIX and other platforms. You can obtain the associated install packages from ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/storage at the location tivoli-storage-management/patches/server//