IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Readme Version 5, Release 3, Modification 4.2 -------------------------------- ATTENTION ---------------------------------- This is an interim fix (patch) level It is intended to provide relief for critical problems where a local circumvention is unavailable. A limited amount of testing has been done to verify the fixes. Consequently, we strongly recommend that you perform additional testing before putting the package into a production environment. These fixes will be tested further by IBM Tivoli Storage Management and included in the next Maintenance / Fixpack Level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------- Welcome to the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server Fixpack 5.3.4. This readme file contains the following information associated with the fixpack: Fix history System requirements Supported hardware Getting started Updates, limitations, and known problems Updates for previous levels Notices and Trademarks You can view an online version of this readme file in the Tivoli Storage Manager Information center at: Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1990, 2004. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Fix history ----------- APARs fixed in level include the following: |IC49871 |AE IC47096 FIX COMPLETION - DRIVE (MP) PREEMPTION NOT WORKING |IC49871 5698ISMSV 53A | |PK33303 5698ISMVS 520 | |PK33304 5698ISMVS 530 | |IC50581 |ANR8366E MAXCAPACITY HAS LIMITATIONS WHEN DEFINE DEVCLASS |IC50581 5698ISMSV 53L | |IC50659 |AE IC47491 FIX COMPLETION - TSM SERVER HANG AFTER DELETE VOLUME |IC50659 5698ISMSV 52A | |PK34891 5698ISMVS 520 | |IC50671 |AUDIT VOLUME AT TSM 5.3 SERVER RESULTS IN DAMAGED FILES WHICH |IC50671 5698ISMSV 53W | |PK34444 5698ISMVS 530 | |IC50676 |AUDIT LIBRARY PROCESS ON LIBRARY CLIENT MAY CAUSE VOLUMES OWNED |IC50676 5698ISMSV 53S | |IC50740 |TSMDLST FAILS WITH ERROR "THE SYSTEM COULD NOT FIND THE |IC50740 5698ISMSV 53W | |IC50778 |TSM LIBRARY MANAGER HANG IN ACSLS ENVIRONMENT |IC50778 5698ISMSV 53L | |IC50825 |DSMSERV AUDITDB ERRONEOUSLY DELETING VALID PRIMARY AND COPY STG |IC50825 5698ISMSV 53S | |IC50983 |TSM SERVER MAY CRASH WHEN SPI AND/OR CENTERA TRACING IS ENABLED |IC50983 5698ISMSV 53A | |IC51016 |TSM SERVER MAY CRASH DURING A MULTI-PROCESS DISK STORAGE |PK36056 5698ISMVS 530 | |IC51016 5698ISMSV 53A | |IC51147 |TDP MYSAP LANFREE BACKUPS DEGRADED BY 40% AFTER INSTALLED HP |IC51147 5698ISMSV 52H | |IC51268 |TSM SERVER DELETE VOLUME PROCESS MAY LEAVE ORPHANED ENTRIES IN |IC51268 5698ISMSV 53A | |IC51371 |ANR9999D BAD (SHORT) BLOCK READ - DATA IS OVERWRITTEN WHEN TSM |IC51371 5698ISMSV 52A | |PK34185 |ANR9999D PVRCART(3194) FOLLOWED BY ANR1032W |PK34185 5698ISMVS 530 | |PK36270 5698ISMVS 520 | APARs fixed in level include the following: |IC50257 |LOGSEG415 CRASHES TSM SERVER DUE TO SHOWLOGPINNED TIMING |PK32260 5698ISMVS 520 | |PK32261 5698ISMVS 530 | |IC50257 5698ISMSV 53A | |IC50289 |TSM SERVER SHOULD NOT CRASH DUE TO AN OVERCOMMITTED RECOVERY LO |IC50289 5698ISMSV 53A | |PK32251 5698ISMVS 520 | |PK32252 5698ISMVS 530 | |IC50362 |OUTPRINTF NOT PARSING CORRECTLY CAUSES MEMORY OVERLAY |IC50362 5698ISMSV 53A | |IC50373 |ANR8951I ERRONEOUSLY ISSUED FOR TAPEALERTS 33 TO 64 ON LINUX. |IC50373 5698ISMSV 53L | |IC50563 |AE IC43381 FIX COMPLETION - REPAIR ORPHANS REPAIR ERRONEOUSLY |PK33341 5698ISMVS 520 | |PK33342 5698ISMVS 530 | |IC50563 5698ISMSV 53S | For a list of server APARs fixed since Version 5.3.0 see Technote 1246076 at the following link: System requirements ------------------- See the Tivoli Storage Manager server requirements web site for information on system requirements (all one line): atrv=ServerRequirements Supported hardware ------------------ See the Tivoli Storage Manager supported devices web sites for information on supported devices and hardware. AIX, HP, Sun, and Windows (all one line): Supported_Devices_for_AIXHPSUNWIN.html Linux (all one line): Supported_Devices_for_Linux.html Getting started --------------- View the Fixpack 5.3.4 installation information for your operating system at the following link: atrv=sinstall534 Updates, limitations, and known problems ---------------------------------------- Updates, limitations, and known problems about Fixpack 5.3.4 are documented in the form of Technotes on the IBM Support web site. As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience. Updates for the fixpack include new support and changes that are normally documented in the publications. View limitations and known problems for Fixpack 5.3.4 at the following link (all one line): atrv=srelnotes534 View updates for Fixpack 5.3.4 at the following link (all one line): atrv=supdates534 View all updates, limitations, and known problems for the Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3.0 release at the following link (all one line): atrn=SWVersion&atrv=5.3&r=20&rankprofile=8 Updates for previous levels --------------------------- Fixpack readmes for previous levels of the Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 server are available in the Tivoli Storage Manager Information Center at: Notices and Trademarks ---------------------- Where to Find Documentation --------------------------- The publications CD (SK3T-8176) is a searchable information center that contains the publications for Version 5.3 of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager product. You can also visit the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Information Center to view publications in PDF or HTML formats, or in most cases both. To use the PDF format, you can obtain the Adobe Acrobat Reader from: To install the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your platform, run the appropriate installation file, and follow the on-line installation instructions. You can also visit the Tivoli Storage Manager product support web site at IBMTivoliStorageManager.html for flashes (alerts from technical support), client requirements, server requirements, supported devices, manuals, and downloads. Search problem reports and other service information for topics of interest. Register at the site to use "My support" to create a customized support page for your use. Getting Help ------------ To receive technical support for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, contact your administrator. This should be your first step when having problems with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. Your administrator will know how to contact IBM for Technical Support on your behalf. Use the Problem Determination Guide to look for a solution to the problem, or for recommended documentation to collect for use when talking with support. For the latest information about IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, visit Tivoli Storage Manager product support web. To participate in user discussions of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, subscribe to an Internet listserv forum. This is not officially supported by IBM, but IBM support people do participate in the discussions, along with other users. You can subscribe by sending a note to that contains the following command in the message body: SUBSCRIBE ADSM-L yourfirstname yourlastname Posts can then be sent to: IBM supports a password protected server for z/OS and OS/390 where you can find Tivoli Storage Manager fixpacks, interim fixes and other related materials. This server is: * Server: * Userid: tsm4mvs * Password: xxxxxxx Where xxxxxxx is password obtained from IBM service. FTP syntax for most Web Browsers: The following directory contains Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS & OS/390 fixpacks: /storage/tivoli-storage-management/maintenance/server The following directory contains Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS & OS/390 patches: /storage/tivoli-storage-management/patches/server/MVS-OS390 Anonymous FTP Server -------------------- IBM also supports an anonymous FTP server where you can find IBM Tivoli Storage Management fixpacks, interim fixes and other related materials. The server is: Three other anonymous servers are unofficially maintained by non-IBM volunteers. These servers are: * (mirror - Germany) * (mirror - Austria) * (mirror - Pennsylvania) Trademarks ---------- For IBM trademark information, visit the IBM Copyright and trademark information page at the following link: