Tivoli Storage Manager for OS390/MVS Server Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2002. All rights reserved. Version 5, Release 1, Level 6.5 Currently, Tivoli Development is offering a fixtest level server built on base to correct problems documented in the accompanying readme file. This replacement server is provided in the form of executable module; ANRSERV. The fixtest file is an 80 byte FB binary file which is in XMIT format and represents a link library. The term "XMIT format" describes a technique utilizing the TSO xmit command. From ISPF 3.4 the following command was issued against V5165.LINKLIB xmit 99.99 da(/) outda(V5165.LINKLIB.XMITFMT) The result is physical sequential data set which can be transferred through a network in binary format to an MVS system. Pre allocate a Physical Sequential data set with the following attributes where you can "put" the fixtest file using FTP binary transfer. The following table describes the number of bytes reported by FTP when moving the fixtest file, number of records to expect in the resulting file and the number of blocks required for a physical sequential data set on MVS assuming 3390, recfm=FB,lrecl= 80 with block size of 3120. Note: Make sure the PTF files are moved using "binary" file transfer. The "bin" file extension was added as an indicator to ensure binary FTP transfer. ____________________________________________________________________ Name |description | ftp bytes | blocks v5165.linklib.xmitfmt Server Executable 13254480 4249 v5165.messages.xmitfmt Server Messages 607280 195 Once the file has been FTP'ed to MVS issue the following TSO command to reverse the XMIT format file and create a link library. receive indsn(V5165.LINKLIB.XMITFMT) If you wish to preallocate the receiving dataset, use your existing linklib dataset as a reference for data set attributes. If you choose, you can APF authorize V5165.LINKLIB and start ADSM using the newly created link library, or copy the executable ANRSERV into an APF authorized link library. We strongly advise that you do not replace your installed code with this patch, but instead place it in a temporary linklib and access that linklib until an installable PTF is available. Note: The V5165.MESSAGES(ANRMENU) message repository should be used with the V5165.LINKLIB(ANRSERV). This is done by updating your DSMAMENG DD statements in your ANRSTART jcl. Reference your installation for other DD data sets require to run Tivoli Storage Manager Thanks, Tivoli Storage Manager Development