Using XMIT/RECEIVE or TERSE prior to transmitting data files Three methods for sending data to IBM are explained below. I have found that the most consistantly reliable way of sending small data files from one place to another is by using XMIT and RECEIVE. The XMIT command can be used to direct a data set to another disk data set, but put it in a consistent format. The RECEIVE command can be used to restore a data set to its original format after it has been sent to another user. Below are the steps that I use to send data to others and also to receive data from others that are using the same procedure. XMIT works fine for files less than 10 MB. For larger files, use TERSE to pack/unpack the file. TERSE also creates a file with a known record length so it can be transmitted easily. If you are planning on sending SMF records, use our SORTSMF job to select the record types and dates you are interested in and copy them to a disk data set. Method 1. XMIT: Send an MVS file <10MB,, to another user via email attachment. XMIT nodename.userid DSN(site.datafile) OUTDSN(datafile.xmit) Download the datafile.xmit to your PC using a BIN80 template for binary, recfm=f, and lrecl=80. Attach the PC file to an email and send it. nodename must exist, but nothing actually gets transferred. It gets written to the outdsn file. RECEIVE: Receive an MVS file via email from another user as created above. Detach the email attachment to your PC. Upload the file to your MVS id using a BIN80 template for binary, recfm=f, lrecl=80. RECEIVE INDSN(datafile.xmit) Reply to options message by simply pressing ENTER to restore data set with same name. Reply DSN( to choose your own name for the received data file. Method 2. For files larger than 10MB use TERSE: TERSE PACK: Pack the file before downloading rather than using XMIT. IBMTOOLS.JCL(TRSPACK) can be used to pack the file. Download the datafile.terse to your PC using a BIN1024 template for binary, recfm=f, and lrecl=1024. Attach the PC file to an email and send it. TERSE UNPACK: Restore file to its original format. Detach the email attachment to your PC. Upload the file to your MVS id using a BIN1024 template for binary, recfm=f, lrecl=1024. IBMTOOLS.JCL(TRSUNPK) can be used to restore the data set to its original format. Method 3. Using batch ftp to send data to an IBM server. ******************************************************************** * * You must have the required authority it get outside your own * company's firewall. Check with your Systems Programmer if your * attempted connection timed out. * ******************************************************************** //*JOB1 0001000 //*JOB2 0002000 //*JOB3 0003000 //*JOB4 0004000 //* //* JCL to TERSE and FTP transmit data to IBM //* 1. Change USERID to your TSO id. //* 2. Supply correct dsn for INFILE dd. //* 3. Change to your email address. //* 4. Change custname to denote customer name. //* 5. ftp commands must be lower case and unnumbered. //* 6. ftp commands must be lower case and unnumbered. //* 7. ftp commands must be lower case and unnumbered. //* //CLEANUP EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //DEL1 DD DSN=USERID.USERDATA.TERSED, // DISP=(MOD,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(10,10),RLSE) //* //TERSE EXEC PGM=TRSMAIN,PARM='SPACK' //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.IBMTOOLS.LOAD (may be needed) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*,DCB=(LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=12901,RECFM=FBA) //INFILE DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.USERDATA.TOSEND //OUTFILE DD DSN=USERID.USERDATA.TERSED, // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(300,50),RLSE) //* change above to UNIT=TAPE if space is a problem //* //FTP EXEC PGM=FTP,REGION=5M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //OUTPUT DD SYSOUT=* //FTPIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.USERDATA.TERSED //* FTP statements below must be UNNUMbered //* No sequence numbers in cols. 73-80 //* custname.smfdata.tersed is name at FTP site //INPUT DD * use lower case below anonymous cd storage/toibm/tapetool bin put //DD:FTPIN custname.smfdata.tersed quit Method 4. Using ftp from your PC to send data to an IBM server. ******************************************************************** * You must have an active Internet connection. * From a high speed DSL connection at home, * an 8MB file took 78 seconds * a 30MB file took 296 seconds (< 5 minutes). ******************************************************************** Open a DOS prompt window (START - RUN then enter cmd) ftp open anonymous cd storage/toibm/tapetool bin put C:\folder\cust.zipped.smf yourname.zipped.smf quit exit