IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Console Readme for Windows 2000, 2003 & 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 1.1 Who should read this readme file 1.2 How to get help 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE SAN Volume Controller CONSOLE PACKAGE 3.0 LAST-MINUTE TECHNICAL UPDATES 4.0 PREREQUISITE FOR INSTALLING THE SAN Volume Controller CONSOLE 5.0 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIIONS 6.0 NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE This readme file tells you where to obtain information about the IBM(R) System Storage(TM) SAN Volume Controller Console and how to get help. It also lists the contents of the installation package for the Windows(R) host system. This readme file particularly calls your attention to the prerequisite for installing the SAN Volume Controller Console. It also describes the last-minute technical updates, if any. 1.1 Who should read this readme file This readme file is intended for system administrators who are familiar with the Windows environment and will install and configure the SAN Volume Controller Console. 1.2 How to get help * Administrative or nontechnical support: 1-877-426-6006 (Listen to voice prompts) You can call this number if you have questions about hardware or software orders, hardware maintenance, services contracts of entitlement, invoices, or commercial, state, or local support operations. * Business Partner Support Operations: 1-800-426-9990 * Federal Government Support Operations: 1-800-333-6705 --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE SAN VOLUME CONTROLLER CONSOLE PACKAGE temp - Temporary use, has synchronization file cimom - Contains the Common Information Model (CIM) executables console - Contains the web server, web pages related executables logs - Contains installation logs _uninst - Contains uninstallation program _jvm - Contains uninstaller Java virtual machine --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 LAST-MINUTE TECHNICAL UPDATES 1) Offline, unreachable clusters or clusters with invalid or bad SSH keys cause the CIMOM to perform slower. These situations should be corrected as soon as possible, or the cluster should be removed from the list of clusters to bring performance back to normal. 2) Setting the Preferred SLP Registration using svcutil or by modifying the provider.configuration file on an SVC Console requires that the input IP exactly match the system IP. This is particularly important for IPv6, as there are multiple possible formats. The svcutil will return the valid possible ip's if the command fails. 3) IPv6 and IPv4 cluster management - customers should not run the management console with the a single cluster added under both IPv4 and IPv6 ip's. By default we do not allow this, but if the cluster is added while it is unreachable or if the customer performs a forced create for migration purposes this will be allowed 4) When migrating from 4.2.0 and earlier versions, clusters will need to be manually re-added with the SVC GUI after the upgrade. 5) In order to install on Turkish version of Windows, the Launchpad can not be used. setup.exe must be manually executed from the command line with the -G checkPrerequisite=no parameter. 6) Install directory path must not contain characters that are not supported by Websphere. 7) When migrating the installer will uninstall the current version. It may be necessary to wait for three minutes after the uninstall to allow the Websphere SOAP port to become free. Shutting down the Websphere application prior to starting the upgrade is a proactive way to eliminate this concern. 8) Internet Explorer 7.0 users will need to add the SVC Console to the trusted sites category of the security profile or warnings will occur. 9) Windows 2000 does not support IPv6. Windows 2003 or 2008 and Internet Exporer 7.0 are required for IPv6. 10) Available in this release is an Embedded CIMOM that comes installed and enabled as part of the Cluster upgrade. To configure CIM clients to use the Embedded CIMOM use a HTTPS connection to the cluster IP address, on the 5989 port, using the account superuser and the password of the cluster admin user. User management of the Embedded CIMOM is provided by the ICA Console. --------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 PREREQUISITE FOR INSTALLING THE SAN VOLUME CONTROLLER CONSOLE You must install the PuTTY open source ssh client software before you install the SAN Volume Controller Console. After you have installed PuTTY, you must run puttygen.exe to generate SSH2 RSA public and private ssh keys. The SAN Volume Controller Console installation program will check for the prerequisite PuTTY installation and will prompt you for the location and name of the private ssh key. See the section of the "IBM System Storage Virtualization Family SAN Volume Controller Configuration Guide" entitled "Installing the IBM SAN Volume Controller Console for Windows" for detailed instructions. You can find this Guide in the doc directory at the root of the SAN Volume Controller Console installation CD-ROM. --------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1) How do I collect trace logs? In order to collect usable logs, the cimom configuration must be modified to allow for higher logging. This logging will Significantly and adversly effect performance, so do not use these settings for anything but problem determination. When gathering debug logs for a defect report, please use the following steps: 1) Turn up the tracing levels by running the following commands: svcutil setloglevel info svcutil settracecomponents all svcutil settracecategories all 2) Reproduce the error 3) Collect the logs with the following command: svcutil collectlogs This will gather up all of the required trace logs and put them into a ZIP file in the current directory.. 2) My CIM Agent service won't start A) Verify that you have a valid certificate. The certificate will be located in svcconsole/cimom/certificate. If there are no files listed in this directory please see FAQ #4. B) Verify the provider.configuration file in the svcconsole\cimom\config directory has no trailing blanks. 3) How do I generate an SSL Certificate? Make sure that the CIM Agent Service (IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Pegasus Server) is stopped. From a DOS prompt, go to the svcconsole\cimom\config directory and run envConf.bat, followed by "mkcertificate ssl". Then run the following: cimconfig -s sslCertificateFilePath="%SVCAGENT_HOME%\certificate\ssl.cert" -p cimconfig -s sslKeyFilePath="%SVCAGENT_HOME$\certificate\ssl.key" -p This ssl certificate is valid for 365 days by default. Start up the CIM Agent Service. If you still cannot start the cimserver, check the svcconsole\cimom\pegasus\cimserver_planned.conf file and verify that the ssl parameters are EXACT. -------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 NOTICES & TRADMARKS See notices.txt -------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright 2008 International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights--Use duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.