IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Console Readme for Windows 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 1.1 Who should read this readme file 1.2 Where to find more information 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE SAN Volume Controller CONSOLE PACKAGE 3.0 LAST-MINUTE TECHNICAL UPDATES 4.0 PREREQUISITE FOR INSTALLING THE SAN Volume Controller CONSOLE 5.0 SERVICE LOCATION PROTOCOL INSTALLATION 6.0 NOTICES 7.0 TRADEMARKS --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE This readme file tells you where to obtain information about the IBM(R) System Storage(TM) SAN Volume Controller Console and how to get help. It also lists the contents of the installation package for the Windows(R) 2000 host system. This readme file particularly calls your attention to the prerequisite for installing the SAN Volume Controller Console. It also describes the last-minute technical updates, if any. 1.1 Who should read this readme file This readme file is intended for system administrators who are familiar with the Windows 2000 environment and will install and configure the SAN Volume Controller Console. 1.2 Where to find more information See the section of the "System Storage SAN Volume Controller Configuration Guide" entitled "Installing the IBM SAN Volume Controller Console for Windows" for complete information about installing and configuring the SAN Volume Controller Console. You can find the guide in the doc directory at the root of the SAN Volume Controller Console installation CD-ROM. The Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or later is required to read this document. The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the following Web site: --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE SAN Volume Controller CONSOLE PACKAGE slp - Contains SLP temp - Temporary use, has synchronization file cimom - Contains the Common Information Model (CIM) executables console - Contains the web server, web pages related executables logs - Contains installation logs _uninst - Contains uninstallation program _jvm - Contains uninstaller Java virtual machine --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 LAST-MINUTE TECHNICAL UPDATES There are no last-minute technical changes at this time. --------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 PREREQUISITE FOR INSTALLING THE SAN Volume Controller CONSOLE You must install the PuTTY open source ssh client software before you install the SAN Volume Controller Console. After you have installed PuTTY, you must run puttygen.exe to generate SSH2 RSA public and private ssh keys. The SAN Volume Controller Console installation program will check for the prerequisite PuTTY installation and will prompt you for the location and name of the private ssh key. See the section of the "System Storage SAN Volume Controller Configuration Guide" entitled "Installing the IBM SAN Volume Controller Console for Windows" for detailed instructions. You can find this Guide in the doc directory at the root of the SAN Volume Controller Console installation CD-ROM. --------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 SERVICE LOCATION PROTOCOL INSTALLATION If a Service Location Protocol Windows service was detected on the system at the time of installation of the SAN Volume Controller Console, the Service Location Protocol files included with SAN Volume Controller Console will be copied to disk. However, the Service Location Protocol associated with these files will not be installed as a Windows service. In the event you uninstall the product associated with the Service Location Protocol, the Service Location Protocol Windows Service will be uninstalled. You can establish a new Service Location Protocol Windows Service by launching the following command: "\slp\slpd -install" where is the directory where the SAN Volume Controller Console is installed. -------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 NOTICES & TRADMARKS See ../W2K/notices.txt See ../W2K/non_ibm_license.txt -------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright 2006 International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights--Use duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.