SSA Remote Systems Management v1.53 Stand Alone NetWare Service Last Updated : 11th July 2000 1.0 - PRE-REQUISITES 2.0 - INSTALLATION 3.0 - SECURITY <<< !IMPORTANT! >>> 4.0 - NOTES FOR USERS .1 - Tutorial .2 - Help .3 - SRN List .4 - Proxies .5 - Netscape Configuration .6 - Browser Time-outs .7 - Service Port .8 - General .9 - Known Problems / Fix History 5.0 - SSA HOMEPAGE APPENDIX A - Setup Error Messages 1.0 PRE-REQUISITES ================== To run the IBM SSA RSM Stand Alone NetWare Service * One of the following IBM SSA RAID Adapters : IBM SSA RAID Adapter, IBM Advanced SerialRAID/X Adapter. You should ensure you are running the latest adapter, disk and enclosure microcode and are running the latest NetWare drivers. The latest levels can be checked via RSM, or see * NetWare SSA Event Logger Version, at least 1.30 installed and running. * NetWare SSA Injector installed and running. * NetWare 4.2, 5.0 installed on the Server. * NetWare TCP/IP protocol installed and configured. * Netscape 4.5x+, recommend 4.7x or Internet Explorer 4.72 SP2, recommend 4.72 SP2 Internet Explorer 5.0x, recommend 5.00.23x+ NOTE: RSM is not supported with any releases of Internet Explorer 3, or Netscape 3 or below. 2.0 INSTALLATION ================ Extract this zip files contents onto the server. We recommend you create a new directory, RSM, and extract all files in this zip - maintaining the sub-directory structure. SYS:SYSTEM\RSM When installation is complete, run : load SYS:SYSTEM\RSM\ISSARSM.NLM Confirm that RSM has installed correctly, by opening your client browser at : The SSA Tools Menu contains links to RSM itself, the RSM Tutorial, HTML versions of all SSA readme files, and other reference material. When you enter RSM, you are prompted for a uid and pwd, enter "SSA" for both, NB Security is case sensitive, must enter SSA in capitals for both uid and pwd. (See 3.0 NOW for important security information) ^^^ You should then see the SSA Adapter List Page. The context sensitive help icon on each page should answer any further questions/problems you may experience. 3.0 SECURITY ============ This version (Stand Alone NetWare Service) includes full access security. At install, only one user exists and has administrator access. This user can add/delete and modify user access privileges and has full SSA configuration permission. At least two users should be created, one to administer the SSA devices and one to simply view the current configuration. It is recommended that the default user is removed as soon as you have created a new administrator user to stop unauthorised access via the default user and password. The default user is : SSA with password : SSA (NB Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive and can only be from 1 to 10 characters - blank passwords cannot be used.) The encrypted access security resides in the hidden file ssacfg.sec in your install directory. There is a backup copy of the default file (ssacfg.bak) Should the original ssacfg.sec file become corrupt/unusable copy ssacfg.bak to ssacfg.sec and you can login again as user SSA and password SSA. You should ensure that access is restricted to your install directory otherwise an unauthorised user could replace the security file with the default and hence gain unauthorised SSA configuration access. 4.0 NOTES FOR USERS =================== 4.1 RSM TUTORIAL ================ This version of RSM is supplied with an HTML based tutorial, which can be accessed via : OR from the SSA Tools Menu. 4.2 HELP WINDOW =============== The help within SSA RSM is context sensitive. Clicking on the help icon opens another browser window containing the relevant help section. Every subsequent click on the help icon will update the same window. Please be aware that depending upon Windows setup and the browser used, the help window may not auto-raise when the icon is re-selected. 4.3 SRN LIST ============ Upon "analysing" the SSA Event Logger within RSM, if any problems exist, an SRN (Service Request Number) will be shown. Click on the link to open the SRN window, where instructions will be given to help you correct the problem. Some browsers will not refresh the window when subsequent SRN links are selected. Either use the 'Find' function, or close the window and re-click on the link. 4.4 PROXY CONFIGURATIONS ======================== Some problems may be experienced when accessing SSA RSM via a proxy server. It is recommended that you use an automatic proxy configuration script (if available) otherwise - if you are accessing SSA RSM from behind a firewall, and SSA RSM itself is behind the firewall, ensure you are using the "no proxy for" to stop proxy usage for internal access Some problems have also been found using Netscape when an array contains a failed resource and no hot spare is available. At this point, the failed resource is replaced by a virtual disk, a "blank reserved". When using a proxy server, some versions of Netscape fail to process the "blank reserved" resource. Please contact a service representative. With the enhanced IP Address based security, if you access RSM through a proxy, you will not be granted access unless you add the IP address of the proxy server to RSM. This will nullify the IP security, as it will allow all users entering through the proxy server to access RSM. For local (behind a firewall) access you should ensure you are using an automatic proxy configuration script. 4.5 NETSCAPE CONFIGURATION ========================== It has been found that in some cases, using Netscape and clicking on a link before the Explorer frame has finished loading will crash the RSM service. If you experience this, simply stop and start the RSM service from the Control Panel services window. To stop this happening, wait until all images have loaded before clicking on a link. It is recommended that you enable your browser to reload documents every time, otherwise cached pages may cause confusion when configuring systems. Edit, Preferences, Advanced, Cache NETSCAPE 3 USER'S PLEASE NOTE : These versions of the browser are not supported, this is due to the lack of support for some JavaScript functions used in RSM versions 1.42+. This will only occur when you create RAID10 arrays with multiple domains. When you select the Primary and Secondary resources, your browser will not be able to validate the selections as they are made, you will still be presented with the confirmation screen. 4.6 BROWSER TIME-OUTS ===================== If your browser connection is slow (i.e. when remotely accessing RSM), the reply may time-out. Note that the action you performed will have been executed if it got to the server and will continue to completed, since the adapter execute all requests it receives. You should refresh the view before repeating the action, to ensure you don't perform the action twice. 4.7 SERVICE PORT ================ The NetWare RSM service will default to port 511. This can be changed, by modifing the autoexec.ncr file. Change the line containing : load SYS:SYSTEM\issarsm.nlm to : load SYS:SYSTEM\issarsm.nlm (port number) where (port number) is any valid TCP/IP port number. 4.8 ACCESS ========== The stand-alone service is single-threaded. If two users attempt to use a single service at the same time, one user may be returned a time-out. Simply click reload on your browser to retry. 4.9 KNOWN PROBLEMS (P) / FIXES (F) ================================== See history.txt copied to install directory for latest release notes / known problems and fixes / enhancements. 5.0 SSA HOMEPAGE ================ For all the latest code releases, device drivers etc, For updates to RSM, For product news, We always welcome comments, or suggestions for improvement via our Active Feedback forms, please submit via the forms on the Website. Trademarks and Notices ====================== The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM, OS/2 Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe, Acrobat and the Acrobat Logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Novell NetWare, and NetWare are trademarks or registered trademarks of Novell Inc. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. === END ===