*************************************************** MEMO TO USERS = NONE ENDSET APARTXT IY70759 = problems with enscript when -f0 and -f1 used togethe r The postscript file generated by enscript with f0, f1 option fails to print on a postscript printer. APARTXT IY73186 = complaints for ps630 complaints for ps630 ENDSET COMPID FOR PTF U801731 = 5765G0300,530 PRODID FOR PTF U801731 = 5765G03,TranScript Tools PREREQ FOR U801731 = NONE ENDSET COREQ FOR U801731 = NONE ENDSET SUP FOR U801731 = NONE ENDSET IFREQ FOR U801731 = NONE ENDSET LABELTXT Selective Fix Package For use on AIX V5.3 only ENDSET ***************************************************