*************************************************** MEMO TO USERS = NONE ENDSET APARTXT IY84383 = DW_AT_STATIC_LINK DWARF PTS TO VOLATILE REGSTR APARTXT IY84393 = FLOATING POINT EXCPETION USING -Q64 APARTXT IY84435 = INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR WITH -QATTR APARTXT IY84437 = MEMORY FAULT WITH -QSPILLSIZE AND -C APARTXT IY84438 = INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR APARTXT IY84441 = MAY 2006 XL FORTRAN EE V10.1 FOR AIX PTF APARTXT IY84612 = XLF ignores 1st char must not be a digit rule APARTXT IY86391 = Internal Compiler error in is_only at noopt APARTXT IY86772 = Compiler limit exceeded at O3 APARTXT IY87257 = Compilation failure: lack of system resources APARTXT IY87519 = Error in P2_FSTM APARTXT IY88118 = Internal Compiler Error with maxloc APARTXT IY88120 = Incorrect output with xlf -q64 and -C flags APARTXT IY88121 = Internal Compiler Error with xlf_r and -O APARTXT IY88123 = Compiler Limit Exceeded -g and -qsuffix=f=f90 APARTXT IY88133 = Incorrect output from transpose APARTXT IY88136 = Transpose intrinsic causes run-time failure APARTXT IY88138 = Profiling does not work in 64-bit mode APARTXT IY88152 = Incorrect output at -O3 -qstrict APARTXT IY88154 = -qipa=inline=procedurename parsed incorrectly APARTXT IY88177 = August 2006 XL Fortran V10.1 for AIX PTF APARTXT IY89258 = Incorrect output with -q64 APARTXT IY89571 = Internal compiler error APARTXT IY90411 = xlf95 produces wrong output APARTXT IY90858 = Infinite loop with -qarch=pwr5 and -O2 APARTXT IY90862 = Internal compiler error in xlfhot with -C APARTXT IY90958 = dbx problem with -q64 APARTXT IY90987 = IF statement causes internal compiler error APARTXT IY91003 = Compiler error with -O3 and -qhot APARTXT IY91782 = Performance degradation with -qsmp APARTXT IY92185 = November 2006 XL Fortran V10.1 for AIX PTF APARTXT IY92266 = Incorrect output with -O APARTXT IY92267 = Internal compiler error with -O3 and -qhot ENDSET COMPID FOR PTF U810677 = 5724M1300,A10 PRODID FOR PTF U810677 = 5724M13,XL Fortran Compiler PREREQ FOR U810677 = NONE ENDSET COREQ FOR U810677 = NONE ENDSET SUP FOR U810677 = U807741.5724M1300 U809569.5724M1300 ENDSET IFREQ FOR U810677 = U810675.5724M1300 U810676.5724M1300 U810678.5724M1300 U810679.5724M1300 U810680.5724M1300 U810681.5724M1300 U810682.5724M1300 U810683.5724M1300 U810684.5724M1300 U810685.5724M1300 U810686.5724M1300 U810687.5724M1300 U810688.5724M1300 U810689.5724M1300 U810690.5724M1300 U810691.5724M1300 U810692.5724M1300 ENDSET LABELTXT Selective Fix Package For use on AIX V4 and V5 only ENDSET ***************************************************